GENUKI   AlvahAlvah

Places in parish of King Edward, Aberdeenshire, transferred to Alvah, Banffshire 1st May 1891

Entries are sorted the by the most significant part of the place-name. For example, Nether Whitehill, Upper Whitehill, Whitehill Mill, and Lower Whitehill Croft would all be grouped together under Whitehill.
Exact map references are bold ; approximate or calculated map references are italic.
More detailed information on data and display will be found on the Sources page.

Grid Ref 
Corskie NJ702628 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Corskie Cottage near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1
  Corskie Farm near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1
  Corskie Lodge NJ701624 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Corskiebank [=Gavenwood] 2:30:10W 57:39:24N    NJ701631 OS 1896 sheet 96

Grid Ref 
Distillery NJ696632 OS Explorer sheet 426
Dovecote NJ687613 OS Explorer sheet 426
Drybridge Cottage near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1

Grid Ref 
Fairingstone near: NJ695622 1841 Census ED 1

Grid Ref 
Gavenwood [=Corskiebank] NJ701631 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Gaven Wood near: NJ695622 1841 Census ED 1
Gaveny near: NJ695622 1841 Census ED 1
  Gaveny Cottage NJ697629 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Gaveny Lodge near: NJ695622 1841 Census ED 1
Gellyburn NJ698633 1841 Census ED 1
  Gettyburn (?) Cottage near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1
  Gettyburn (?) Lodge near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1
Gellymill near: NJ695622 1841 Census ED 1
  Gettymill (?) Cottage near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1

Grid Ref 
Kirkside NJ684624 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Kirkside Cottage near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1

Grid Ref 
Montcoffer House NJ685613 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Lodge Croft Montcoffer near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1
  Mains of Montcoffer NJ690616 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Mill of Mountcoffer 2:28:20W 57:37:55N  NJ684610 Thomson's Atlas (1832)
  Montcoffer NJ685613 1841 Census ED 1
  Montcoffer Cottage near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1
  Montcoffer Crofts [=Smithy] NJ696617 OS Explorer sheet 426
  Montcoffer Lodge near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1
  Montcoffer Mains NJ690616 1841 Census ED 1
  Montcoffer, Mill of NJ684610 1841 Census ED 1:
  Mountcoffer House 2:28:40W 57:38:10N  NJ685613 Thomson's Atlas (1832)
  Oldmill of Montcoffer near: NJ695622 1881 Census ED 1

Grid Ref 
Rose Acre near: NJ695622 1841 Census ED 1

Grid Ref 
Smithy [=Montcoffer Crofts] 2:30:45W 57:38:39N    NJ695617 OS 1896 sheet 96

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[Last updated: 23 Jun 2005 - Gavin Bell]

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